Sunday, January 30, 2011


Alright.  I've had enough.  What is it about men that they never actually live up to the fact that they're adults?  When you're a kid, you know that there are rules to the games you play, but you can get away with not following them.  When you're an adult, the rules (shockingly) actually apply.  That is, if you aren't afraid of getting beaten by your opponent.

So I'm wondering, then, why I haven't heard anything back yet from said person in previous post.  He's well into what most would consider "manhood" but it seems that he isn't able to locate his balls.

Since he still hasn't responded, I pulled a classic crazy girl move and did a little facebook investigation.  I was able to gather from another source that there might be something up with his phone, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took matters into my own hands.  This morning, via email, I gave him one last chance.

I decided to keep my message minimal, but refused to compromise my main points:
"Hey, haven't heard from you in a while.  Is everything ok?
Hope the move is going well... I'd love to see you if you have time this week.

He comes from a literary background and I'm pretty sure he can read between the lines:

Hey, haven't heard from you in a while.
Is everything ok?
    This is your chance to give a viable excuse for your behavior.
Hope the move is going well...
    Yes, I know you're busy, but I don't buy that you're too busy for a ten second text.
I'd love to see you sometime this week if you're free.
    If you come up with a good enough reason as to why you've gone MIA, I might consider seeing you again.

If he doesn't respond, well then we really do know that boys never really grow into men, or at the very least, men never really grow out of acting like boys.

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